Monday, December 29, 2008

Get it wrong or get it right, it's your business

By John Wallen

If there was just one thing a home business owner needs to realize it's this, there's nothing outside of yourself that will build your business to a successful level and keep it growing. Those that think otherwise have no idea on how to run there business, and are doomed!

If you want your business to survive and build a network, you better change that attitude and the way your looking at things. Only 1 to 2 percent are successful in this industry, and that's because they got rid of the notion that something outside of them will give them the success they desire.

Realize that marketing is your business, and you will never have to ask anyone to join your network, they will be asking you. You will never have to sell if you do this right. Realize your business is nothing but marketing, and you'll be getting it right.

You will never have to buy a lead again if you do it right. No stupid flyers or sizzle cards to deal with if you do it right. Do it right, and there will be no more expense for advertising. That will be on your prospects coin, and even more if you do it right.

If you want to build your business, anyone should be able to duplicate your success by plugging into your system. When you do this right, anyone can plug into your system and make money the very first day. Does that sound good enough for you to change the way you look at your business?

You have to realize that this large percentage of network marketers that are failing is because, they don't have a clue on how to market. I did everything my sponsor said for months, and I mean months. Making long lists and cold calling? No thanks, I don't have to anymore.

Failure was my success. I was so good at it. I turned that failure into success when I gave up on garbage leads, and all the other nonsense I thought would create success for me. So if your looking to the outside to create wealth, give it up and do it right.

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