Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Best Way To Gain Website Traffic

By Don Bethune

Increasing website traffic is forefront on the minds of almost every blogger. It sometimes feels like a hopeless task, but there is hope. Generating traffic does not have to be hard and with a bit of common sense, it is possible for your blogas traffic to rise.

Sometimes the answer is right in front of you. Start by evaluating the layout of your blog. Is it well organized or is it riddles with chaos and confusion? Are the pages easy to navigate to your visitors? Readers will leave your blog in a hurry if your layout is complicated.

It is imperative that you refrain from inserting too many or harmful ads on your blog. If you are cluttered with ads, no one will take you seriously and think of you as a spammer. The fact is that you will make more money if you run fewer ads.

The content of your blog should be focus around a subject that you are familiar with. You want to establish yourself as an expert on the topic, without sounding arrogant or redundant. Finding your niche will make writing posts easier and more enjoyable.

Keep up to date on current news and trends pertaining to your subject, and breaking news will always keep readers returning to see whatas new. Everyone loves to be ain the knowa, so the more relevant information you can provide the better.

Posting on blogs that are related to your topic can help generate traffic to your site. Comment on postings and leave a link to your site. Be careful, donat over do it or leave your link only. If you are thought of as a spammer, it will tarnish the reputation of your site and you could loose readers.

Social networking sites can be a great tool for generating traffic. Some sites allow users to vote on articles and the one with the most votes takes its place on the front page. If your readers post your links to social networking pages, your site traffic can increase dramatically. Ensure that your server can handle the traffic.

Once you have increased your reader base, it is up to you to keep them interested. Stay positive and upbeat. The majority of people enjoy reading positive articles and stay away from bloggers who are negative about everything. You want your readers to be uplifted, not bring them down.

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