Friday, December 26, 2008

Show Your Company Cares with Eco Friendly Promotional Mugs

By Alexander Calvin

Companies today face a dilemma when purchasing promotional items. Because of the current heightened awareness of things eco-friendly, your company would be well served to take heed. Buying biodegradable promotional mugs would provide you with a double benefit. In addition to getting your logo and message to the consumer, you would also benefit by letting them know you care about the environment

Recycled plastic has become very common these days to produce promotional products, especially mugs. Plastic is a very versatile and cost efficient material for producing promotional mugs in large quantities. But because of the known fact that it takes thousands of years to degrade, plastic products are being discouraged nowadays. Hence organisations which deal with producing promotional products have come up with a range of recycled plastic promotional items.

Considering the increasing pollution causing global warming and melting of polar ice caps, everyone is trying to do their bit for the improvement of these devastating situations. Recycling indirectly promotes less production of non- degradable substances. One must also realize that production of these plastics involves the usage of fossil fuels which are rapidly depleting. To cater to such problems cropping up in the world, major companies have resorted to the use of recycled plastic promotional mugs.

As the recycling plastic grows across the globe, major NGOs are helping get the word out about its production. Socially responsible designers have done their part by bringing beautiful and stylish recycled products to the markets. Producers have learned that they can minimize the common dark brownish color of recycle plastic by eliminating the darks and sorting the colors before production.

At business levels, companies should try to use eco-friendly promotional items for distributing among their customers. Moreover they can use such promotional mugs with company logos at the work place as well. This will create awareness about the issue amongst the employees.

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