Friday, July 25, 2008

You Have To Answer Emails If You Want To Succeed on eBay

By Richard Joyce

It's quite amazing how many sellers on eBay can't take the time to answer a simple email. They could have potential buyer who just wants more information about the product and they don't respond until a week later, if at all.

This may sound harsh but if this describes like something you would do, do not even bother setting up an eBay. You are destined to fail horribly.

Some people treat business emails, like they do personal emails. Personal emails can wait. That's what yahoo and hotmail accounts are for.

If you are working and you receive an email in regards to your business. put whatever you're doing on hold. Answer the email. The person will be so impressed that you took the time answer the email so quickly.

Doing this shows great professionalism. It also shows that truly care about their question or the problem they might be having.

What's really shocking is the sellers who don't respond to an email even thought he person is basically telling them that they are going to buy their product. They just need to a little bit more information on it.

Let's say someone emails you asking about if they bought two separate products from you, what would the total shipping cost be? He is basically say I want this! All you have to do is simply answer it. Not tomorrow. Not a couple hours from now or when you feel like it. Answer it now while the customer is in a buying frame of mind.

It's also perfect when you get an angry email from a customer. Let's say you shipped out the wrong product to the buyer and he comes back with a very angry email, threatening you, insulting you, etc..

The terrible eBay sellers would just want to deal with this. They'd much rather avoid or postpone an email response to an angry email. The great sellers, on the other hand though, answer it right away. It always calms down the buyer because he knows that his problem was acknowledged and the seller will try to remedy the situation.

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