Friday, July 25, 2008

How to Advertise on Craigslist

By Ethan O. Tanner

Advertising on Craigslist is worthwhile for just about any business offering products or services. Whether these products are offered through ecommerce websites or physical stores, the business owners can see financial gains through advertising on Craigslist. First, unlike other advertising opportunities there is very little risk involved in posting on Craigslist. With the exception of job postings and housing postings in specific markets, advertising is free on Craigslist. Users are asked to agree to the terms of service of the community and are expected to follow specific guidelines when posting advertisements but there are no financial obligations to those placing advertisements on Craigslist. This means those who post advertisements do not have to be concerned with whether or not the advertisement they place will meet their expectations in terms of sales generated.

A different reason why posting advertisements for products or services on Craigslist is so beneficial is the likeliness of getting to a large audience of possible customers. One can verifty this fact by reviewing the Craigslist fact sheet that reveals appropriate information regarding the amount of traffic the website receives. According to this data Craigslist receives around four billion page views each month with ten million people using Craigslist monthly. From these statistics it is evident that advertisements placed on Craig list are likely to undergo at least some attention from potential clients.

The advertising possibilities are limitless with so many visitors using Craigslist each month; however, there are no guarantees any of these visitors will want to buy your products or services. Like any marketing campaign, your advertisements on Craigslist must be fascinating, informative and in a location where you will get to your target audience.

We've already discussed the number of visitors using Craigslist each month, but the key to using these numbers to gain advantage for your company is to target your advertising in a way directed at reaching your target audience as opposed to a wide audience of people who have no specific interest in your products or services. It is much helpful to reach a small audience of those with a definite interest in your products or services than to reach out to a much larger audience of those who are not interested. Those who have an interest in your products or services are your target audience.

One significant way to reaching your target audience on Craigslist is placing your advertisement in the most suited locations. Craigslist has a specific section for businesses to advertise their services. This section is broken down into a number of categories. Those who are in the business of computer repair would be wise to place their advertisement in the computer section as opposed to the automotive section because individuals looking for computer help will naturally migrate to the computer section. It may sometimes be appropriate to place an advertisement in more than one section. This is acceptable as long as it does not cross the line to spamming the section.

If there is not a specific section for the products or services offered by your business there are some options. Business owners can place an advertisement in the section for small business advertisements where it might be found by those doing a search in this section. The business owner could also contact Craigslist to propose the addition of a new category. It is possible they might be willing to make a new category if they believe it warrants an addition.

Advertising on Craigslist is one matter, but spamming is quite another. Placing an advertisement in an appropriate section of Craigslist is standard; however, placing the same advertisement in nearly every section of Craigslist websites in a number of different geographical areas is considered spam. For a number of reasons, spam is ineffective . Foremost, potential customers who see a particular advertisement in a number of different locations are likely to acknowledge the spamming techniques and therefore will be less inclined to buy from this business. In addition to customer dissatisfaction, if Craigslist detects the practice of spamming they may delete all of the postings and could potentially ban advertisements from this person in the future. By following the above advice, Craigslist can be a great way to advertise your business.

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