Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Benefits of Lead Generation with Telemarketing

By Terry Stanfield

As a business owner you need a lead generation company plus telemarketing to work for you. This may be the only method you have of creating new customers, which is essential to a business's survival.

If the methods you are using for lead generation are not bringing your business new customers, you might want to try a lead generation company using telemarketing to provide you with qualified leads.

The lead generation service will use the phone to talk to the prospective clients on your behalf. The phone conversation will ensure the prospective client has a use for the type of product or service you sell. They will find out the prospective client's current situation. They will even find out if the prospective client has any problems with the product or service they are using, or a problem with the provider of that product or service.

The service will provide you with the name of the decision maker and tell you how the decision making process works, how long it takes and who is involved in the decision making process. They will provide you with the name of your competition and if any other options are being considered.

With a lead generation company using telemarketing, you will have insights to the prospective client. You will feel like you know the prospective client before you even talk to him or her. The lead generation company using telemarketing can even set up an appointment for you to meet with the prospective client in order to close the deal.

A lead generation company plus telemarketing will give you the edge you need to create new customers. You will be able to see the quality of these leads when your sales increase dramatically. Then you will wonder how you ever did it without them. Lead generation is a vital part of a business survival. It as necessary to business as air is to the human body. Without it the business will close it's doors.

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