Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Song Verse Copywriting

By Ray Edwards

This article will briefly examine the field of lyrical copywriting.

Copywriting looks similar no matter what arena youre working in, which holds true for lyrical copywriting. Lyrical copywriting has the same purpose as other forms of copywriting: to get a message across to your target audience. In order to effectively do this you must know your audience; what they think and want. There are many songs out there that do not make it onto the radio because they do not meet the audiences' thoughts and feelings. Good copywriters give their audience what they want.

Your main goal is to get a message across that agrees with your audience, but you must also produce some sort of instant recognition structure for your song. Beyonce's new song, "Irreplaceable" is a good example of this. One of the main phrases is: "To the left, to the left." This makes the song instantly recognizable on the radio. This helps build awareness of a singer and their song.

Writing song lyrics is not just about sales and money either. Few have the ability to move people with words and melodies. It is important to note that is it difficult to remember all the words to a song, and thus you should put your main point and hook in the chorus. This helps the audience know your message quickly.

Copywriting is ultimately about persuasion, despite your particular field. In this respect, lyrical copywriting isn't any different from writing articles in a paper or magazine, its just that your product is a singer and an album. Copywriting song lyrics will attempt to send a unique message to a particular audience that will persuade them buy the album.

Hopefully this article helped illustrate the goals of Copywriting song lyrics. Your chief goal as a lyrical copywriter is to raise the awareness of a particular singer by successfully sending a message your audience. Note that it is difficult to remember all the lyrics in a song, so make a short and catchy message in the chorus. Lyrical copywriting has multiple goals and can be very rewarding.

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