Thursday, July 31, 2008

Effective Promotional Products

By Bree C Robbins

Promotional Product's serve the purpose to get a company's name into the public eye and by assisting them in building a reputation, besides the use of billboards, TV commercials, and other print advertisements. There is a trick to finding effective promotional products. This then forces us to ask the question what makes a promotional product effective? The answer is most effective type of Promotional Product is the one that gets used. If items are getting used, the recipient is constantly reminded of your company and anyone who sees the product being used is exposed to your company as well.

Often the most effective promotional products are some of the cheapest. A perfect example of this is Pen's or Tote Bag's that can and are used almost daily by anyone and can usually be printed and supplied for well under $5 per item. The items are portable and get carried and seen by others. One of the great qualities of promotional products, is the recipient receives a gift from your company and then uses the product and get's your company's name out into the community.

Let's take a look at a few different popular promotional products and what their advantages and drawbacks are:

Key Chains are portable and would likely be used a lot by the recipients; however few people may see them, since they will spend a majority of time in the recipients? purses or wallets.

Another example of this is Refrigerator magnets they are also likely be used by the recipients, but don't get much exposure to third parties while they are at home on the refrigerator. This however is a great idea if you want your recipients to be constantly reminded of your company and to have your contact information readily available should something in the home need repair for example or if they need to find your number quickly. Not such a great idea if you want your name out to third parties.

A really useful item that people use over and over again is a good Tote Bags they are extremely portable and get seen by lots of people, on the down side they tend not to be used daily however when they are used they generally get used in high viewing areas such as the supermarket, the beach, the gym or taken to seminars. With a good logo that suits the style of the Tote bag this makes for a really powerful and effective promotional item.

Pens is a option that combines the portability of a keychain, the usefulness of a refrigerator magnet, and the visibility of a Tote Bag. This is the best option for someone who wants to get all three benefits out of one very cost efficient promotional product. This is especially true if your recipients have customers of their own.

One of the best parts about good promotional products is that the return on investment is huge. A pen with your company's logo may cost only a dollar or two or even less, but the reach of that one pen can be worth thousands.

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