Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What are Promotional Products and how they can help your business

By Bree C Robbins

A promotional product is an item, such as a Pen, Compendium, Tote Bag, or Novelty Gift, that a business gives away in order to help increase brand awareness in the public domain.

The concept behind this is that a new business has to get their name out there somehow and promotional products help potential customers remember you and expose your company's name to others.

For example, if you hand out a Pen to a mortgage broker, not only will that broker remember your company, but every one of the broker's customers who use or see the pen will also gain exposure to your company. If you give out a Tote Bag and someone takes that to the gym with them 4 times a week, every person that sees them on the way to the gym is now a new potential customer for your business.

This means not just one exposure from that one small promotional product, but several exposures. The more people you give a promotional product to, the more you increase your exposure within the community.

The Australian Promotional Products Association (APPA) gathered the following facts that demonstrate the lasting impact that Promotional Products have:

Business travelers surveyed by APPA at a local airport showed that more than 70% of these travelers had received a Promotional Product of some kind within the last 12 months.

Over 30% of those respondents actually had the promotional product with them! They were actively using, or at least carrying, the promotional product they had been given. The promotional product was not simply tossed to the side or thrown away.

Within this same group of business travelers, over 50% had kept the promotional product they were given for more than a Year. So not only did they keep the product and use it frequently where people could see it but they kept it for over 12 Months.

The reason that APPA found that almost 75% of people kept the Promotional Product for the 12 months or more was because the Product was Useful to them.

The facts found by APPA demonstrate the effectiveness of Promotional Products for your Company. These findings prove the effectiveness of spending the marketing budget on Promotional Products for all company sizes from small to medium businesses as the proof shows people don't just forget about the promotional products or throw them away. Typically the promotional product is either used by the recipient or given to someone else who will use it and so achieving the positive effect.

With such a large percentage of those promotional products being used for more than a year, a promotional Pen, Embroidered Jacket, Compendium, Tote Bag, or Novelty Gift can be found at prices that can suit any budget, this is a fantastic marketing strategy that has been proven to assist you to get your company name recognized a small price.

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