Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tips In Buying Pendant Jewelry

By Chris Channing

Since they were first introduced, pendants have been a sophisticated piece of jewelry that indicates high class and luxury. Even now, pendants are a great addition to most types of outfits fit for many different occasions. But to get the best deal and satisfaction, there are a few guidelines to take into consideration before handing over one's money.

Pendants usually come in two flavors- either new pendants or used pendants. The new pendants will, on average, be more expensive since they are coming straight from the jeweler. Used pendants can usually be obtained for a reduction in price as long as the right sale or resale shop can be found. Either way, pendants tend to be expensive objects, albeit the used side is a bit cheaper.

Like most jewelry, pendant jewelry will differ based on what it is made of. The base metal type usually consists of a "white gold" mimic, which is actually composed of several cheaper metals to make for a luminous shine. More expensive metals such as platinum can be obtained, but as platinum is a higher priced metal, this should only be reserved for prestigious occasions.

A pendant wouldn't be a pendant without the luxurious stone hanging from the necklace. The stone in question is usually what is going to account for an impressive amount of the final price, so this is where the tough choices come into play. It's usually average to get diamonds as a gem stone, but it's more common to get gem stones of one's own birth month. If one isn't sure about their birth stone, contact a local jeweler for more information.

Interestingly enough, some believe that certain stones have healing properties. It isn't uncommon to buy a pendant based on its healing properties alone, depending on the buyer's beliefs in alternative medicine. There are many different interpretations of each stone, which can lead to confusion when buying gems based on their properties alone. Nevertheless, much information about such properties can be found online and in gem books found at one's local library.

As a last note, it should be apparent that pendant jewelry is going to vary widely by the jeweler that stocks them. Different manufacturers make widely different designs in each and every pendant, so it's a good idea to scout out options both online and at local jewelers and pawn shops. If nothing turns up, be sure to visit local sales and check with friends for more options in buying pendant jewelry.

In Conclusion

As we can very well see from the previous points of interest, pendant jewelry is more complicated than deciding to buy a new piece of jewelry and making an impulse decision. One must take many things into consideration, especially if pricing is a concern. For more flexible options, be sure to consult Internet resources for maximum selection and quoting ability.

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