Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Helpful Copywriting Tips

By Ray Edwards

This article will directly reference Dan Kennedy's book The Ultimate Sales Letter to discuss a few ways to maximize your sales letters. Dan Kennedy is one of the foremost copywriters on the market and his books come highly recommended.

Copywriters use their own writing to gain sales leads. If your work has been inconsistent, you should consider using a sales letter to help stabilize your workload. After you send out enough letters you will begin to learn how much work you can expect from how many letters you send out. This will allow you to stabilize your work and keep business coming in. You can then control your work as well. You can send out more letters when you have more time to work, or you can send out fewer letters when life gets a little busier.

A sales letter can help you make more money from your telemarketing clients, or help gain new telemarketing clients. Telemarketing has become much more difficult in recent years due to new laws and extremely high turnover. A well made sales letter can make telemarketing more effective and potentially reduce turnover. If you can quantify your savings and train employees in better sales techniques, other telemarketing clients will want your business because you have demonstrated yourself effective in their difficult field.

Approaching doctors and dentists is the last little tid-bit to help maximize your sales letters. These professionals are often looking for more clients. A well-made sales letter could help stimulate their referrals.

These are just a few pointers from Dan Kennedy's extremely helpful book. This article and Dan's book can help new or seasoned copywriters find new sources of income. Hopefully this article helped you understand how to better maximize your sales letter and make more money.

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