Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Copywriting Salaries

By Ray Edwards

This article will discuss the average salary for an employed or freelancing copywriter.

If you're an employed copywriter, you can make a little or a lot of money depending on your skill level and how well you advertise yourself. In 2005 the average salary for a copywriter was around $60,000 with bonuses, according to Advertising Age. (quoted from

The income for a freelance copywriter is more difficult to estimate. Some charge their clients for each project while others charge an hourly rate. To help you better understand what a freelance copywriter can make, here are some rough figures from 2005: Freelancers generally charged $1000 to $2000 for a lead generating sales letter and $300 to $400 for a website.

Copywriting can be very lucrative, especially since two out of every five copywriters earn between $50,000 to $100,000 a year. Make sure to invest in those survey results, they will help you immensely and keep you from undercharging yourself.

These figures were the median of those surveyed, thus if you have knowledge and expertise in a particular field that others don't, you could charge more money and have a greater gross income. Taking the time to learn about your field and develop superior expertise will help you gain a competitive edge and earn more money.

Hopefully this article has given you a rough idea of what an employed or freelance copywriter can earn. If you want more information you should go to the site listed above and invest in some survey results, this will help you go much further as a copywriter.

Remember though that all these figures are the median, if you know what you're doing you can earn much more than this. Build up your skills, study the surveys and make sure you're not undercharging yourself. This will go a long way and help you earn more money.

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