Thursday, July 24, 2008

Off Base" Marketing Lesson To Pulling In High-Paying Clients

By Michael Silk

As 'off base' as it may sound, the worst thing you can do to attract the maximum number of high-quality clients is to advertise to SELL your services.

Why? Because selling - especially the selling of services - is a sequential process.

And trying to sell your services right off the bat is like asking someone to marry you on the first date. What then should you do?


You should use a marketing principle that's referred to as educational based marketing. Which is 180 degree u-turn on traditional marketing and selling.

The way educational based marketing works is like this:

In your advertisement (whether offline or online) - instead of promoting your services - you advertise what's called a 'lead generation tool.' An example of a lead generation tool is a free educational report.

Here are 3 reasons why an educational based free report is so powerful:

1). It 'screens and sorts' your prospects and qualifies / disqualifies all the time-wasters before you decide to speak with them on the phone or meet with them in person.

2). The educational based report slants the buying criteria in your favour - without you overtly selling yourself or your services.

3). Most important of all - the educational based report will position you as the expert and authority in your industry. In other words - you'll be perceived as a trusted advisor instead of a slick salesman.

Which is very important. Because know this:

All things being equal, people won't buy from you unless they perceive you as a trustworthy expert.

So the lesson is to put together a free educational based report you can promote in your ads (online and offline) to build your prospect list and watch your sales soar.

Michael Silk.

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