Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Few Pointers for Your eBay Business

By Richard Joyce

Many people know that sales are down for eBay sellers. But most people don't know that many sellers are just not doing a good job of selling their product. They are making way too many mistakes.

In this article, I'll go over some basic things that you can do to help your eBay business bring in the sales.

For starters, take good photos. How many times have you seen a listing with the worst photos? If it wasn't for the title and the description, you'd have no idea what the item was, just by looking at the photo.

You don't have to take any photography classes. Just get yourself a good camera (don't be too cheap) lay the item in front of white background and snap away. A good photo shows that you treat your eBay business professionally.

Also, please don't write incredibly long paragraphs when putting your description on the listing. If eBay is like a shopping mall, then think how most shoppers act when they're in a mall? Most of the people just like to go from one store to the next.

They don't like to hover in one place too long. They just want to know what the product is about and keep browsing until they see something they like.

What you're asking them to do is stay on one listing and read a bunch of paragraphs about your product. Most people will just hit the back button on the browser.

You've got to remember that people don't have the same attention span they once did. Society wants their information quicker and more accessible. This may be a bad thing to many people but it's simply the reality of the marketplace.

You need to make it easy on the eyes. I strongly suggest that you put all your important information in bullets. It's just much easier for the shopper to read what the product is about. They can basically do a quick scan to get all the prevalent information. Also people are just used to reading in this style.

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