Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Succesful marketing: JcPenney coupons with free shipping

By Priscilla Queen

A life's achievement from a visionary, the JC Penny co-operation is among the largest chains of retail stores in the world. The first store of JC Penny was started in 1902 by James Cash Penny at Kemmerer, Wyoming and operates till date. The path to success was not just filled with olives and spurs, it was a new path invented, toiled and maintained.

A company that started off as a single retail store now operates nearly 1050 stores throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Their product line includes most household and conventional merchandise items. JcPenney's also includes several leased departments such as optical, portrait studio, and jewelry departments.

Since the stores are a part of the consumer section, the level of competition they face is tremendous. To stay in the business, they have to regularly come up with attractive offers that would interest their customers. There are hundreds of such lucrative offers given to the customers every year. An important and most sought offer for JC Penny are the free shipping coupons.

Many customers are of the view that shipping is an unnecessary expense burdened by them. Huge amounts of money might be spent by the customers to buy certain products. But shipping cost almost carries half of the product's cost. JC Penny cleverly understood the customers' mentality and offered free shipping to alleviate the extra costs.

When a company comes out with such offers, it has to make a lot of administrative and logistical changes. Shipping products from one part of the country to the other in a vast country such as the United States can be expensive. JC Penny's solution to this was to open a number of warehouses and dispatch points at various parts of the country, which also assured customer satisfaction, by quick, free dispatching of their goods.

The JC Penny coupons with free shipping are usually available online, at The JcPenny website, and in their shopping partner sites throughout the internet. These coupons contain a certain code that is to be entered while billing. Most of the time, JC penny coupons with free shipping are given for a purchase of over $99. The company does not lose much by providing free shipping to its customers and uses the offer as an effective marketing strategy.

These coupons are usually given on a seasonal basis and have a date of expiry corresponding to them. The JC penny coupons with free shipping can be redeemed by clicking on the link which says 'redeem my free shipping coupon' on their website. It is such offers and discounts that helped this organization succeed. There are many similar competitors in the field like Wal-Mart, Ikea, and Home Depot.

Though customers are provided with offers from its competitors, people are mainly attracted towards JC Penny because of its free shipping incentive. The company doubled its profits by adopting free shipping coupons. Its customers remain loyal due to the benefits with free shipping coupons and products, which enable their items to be delivered quickly with ease.

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