Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to Be Productive and Manage Your Time Wisely

By Alan Edmunds

I have heard people say that they want to start their own internet business so that they won't have a boss that tells them what to do and when to do it. These people say that they don't want to have to 'punch' a clock.

They will work when they want to and IF they want to because they won't have a boss telling them what to do.

Wrong wrong wrong! In order to be successful working for themselves they need to realize that they ARE the boss and unless they plan on failing they need to be quite possibly more demanding than their previous boss in their old job.

As the boss, you must ensure that you spend enough time each day working on your business and that your time is used as productively as possible. You might not be required to work a set number of hours by others, but you certainly do need to work a fair few hours.

Before you could have come back from lunch a little bit late without any real drama but once you start working for yourself you will need to become a lot tougher on yourself if you have any intention of being successful in your online business, and your 40 hour week is now a thing of the past.

Being successful in the internet marketing industry is very hard. There are many many adverts out there promising that you can make thousands and thousands of dollars each month just by working part time. Don't believe them for a second!

You MUST set up a working schedule for yourself. You must adhere to that schedule and you had best remember that quitting time is when you get through and not precisely eight hours after you went to work.

Your time IS your own to manage. You must supply your own discipline. You are still accountable to someone. You are accountable to YOU!

There is another point I would like to make and it is this: Guesswork and Becoming 'Cheap' is NOT Smart. Looking after your budget is a wise thing to do but in the internet marketing game you need to spend some money. Your focus should not be on holding on to every penny you have but rather to make more money than you spend.

There is a saying that I am sure you are familiar with. It is, "You have to spend money to make money". This saying has been tested countless times before and has been found to be true every time by those who have become successful. You can't be so afraid of spending a few dollars that you prevent yourself from making money.

I have heard otherwise very intelligent people say that they didn't take a marketing course that had been offered because it was 'over-priced'. Now there is a dumb statement if I have ever heard one.

There are doubtless several things in that marketing course that would have enabled them to make their money back several times over, whether it was through learning how to streamline their business, thereby saving them many hours of work, or by discovering a new way in which to generate sales. Either way being 'cheap' has cost them dearly.

Right up there with stupid things I have heard are those people that say they won't buy a piece of software that will save them many hours of manual labor because they feel it cost too much and that maybe all the bugs aren't worked out of it yet.

What kind of thinking is that?

Would you keep cutting grass with an old fashioned push mower rather than buying a power mower because it cost too much and it might have a problem?

Here is the thing that you need to remember: Being thrifty is not a crime.

Being dumb isn't a crime either.

If you really want to be a successful internet marketer, you have to be willing to invest in your own knowledge and provide the tools for yourself that makes success possible.

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