Monday, September 22, 2008

Real Estate Leads

By Real Estate Lead Generation

Generating Real Estate leads continues to be a hot topic. The Internet has now become a highly targeted marketing tool for Realtors as many are no longer cold-calling and/or door knocking. Most Buyers and Sellers choose to "Shop Around" before choosing a Realtor to work with making 'first impressions' more important than ever. Many Realtors are now exploring the use of Buyer and Seller friendly websites that are more about the client and less about the Realtor.

Realtors looking to generate more real estate sales leads will find the tips below useful. Not only will these tips tell you how to get more leads, but they will also help you turn those leads into successful sales!

You need to rank high with search engines such as Google, MSN and Yahoo.

80% of Buyers and Sellers start their searches here so you need your websites to have top placement. Separate websites for Sellers and Buyers is a way to accomplish this. Because Buyers and Sellers searches are very different from each other, you need separate websites that get high ranking for both types of clients!

Offer free services with your websites.

Don't make them about you, make them about your clients! A free service such as CMAs where they don't need to call you. This can be done via an 'online form'. Sellers don't want to always give out their contact number but usually have no problem giving out their email address.

Go above and beyond!

Daily emails of new listings is fine, but be sure to also send your client a personal email every 'now and then'. Remember, if you forget about them, they will have long forgotten about you.

Make your website very user friendly.

If searching for a CMA in a certain area. Sellers don't want to navigate thru 3 pages of your website just to spend time composing a long email about their home. They want a basic template where they fill in the fields.

Offer free Buying and Selling tools to your clients.

Most Buyers and Sellers do lots of research before choosing to work with a Realtor. Get the upper edge on your competition by offering a free eBook.

With many Realtors in the same area and/or office offering their all their clients the same tools, the competition has become fierce. Differentiating yourself from your competition and exploring your options will put you a step ahead of your peers. With the Internet having proven itself as being the way of the future for marketing real estate sales leads, you need to make sure you have a strong presence on 'the net'. You could be the best negotiator in your market but without the right tools to get you exposure, you could also become the best kept secret.

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