Thursday, September 25, 2008

Revenue Potential For An Online Business Opportunity

By Myles Krueger

When you begin your internet business you need to know what people are looking for and then on top of that you need to know how much they are willing to spend for getting what they want. This is one way to check it out for your online business opportunity so that you don't have to deal with a lot of trial and error and waste your time.

In order to make sure you are going into the right industry you have to check to see if consumers are putting money into that arena. A lot of magazines, newspapers, and journals offer advice on how to figure this out or show you statistics in order to get this down, but if you are looking to move forward with an online business then you have to go to the source of online traffic, which is Google.

Google accounts for 70% of traffic or so the estimates go, but whatever the number is people choose them more over Yahoo, MSN, or other search engines. There are a lot of visitors that appreciate their search engine.

They are willing to offer first to the consumer and figure out what they want online, which is what they did when they put together their solid search engine and then appealed to other marketers. This has allowed for them to continue to grow because they are providing true value.

Google provides the opportunity to market through a program called Adwords that gives marketers a chance to pay for traffic to come to their site through sponsored links on the top and on the side of search listings. People click on the ads they are interested in.

You need to find out what people are bidding for these keywords in order to find out how competitive and the potential of the market. If people are bidding more then you are seeing individuals that are probably making more. They can big more because they have larger profit margins and the goal is always to break even initially and usually trying to make money on the back end.

So that will be a good sign for you if you are marketing similar products. I suggest that you use the Google Adwords Free Keyword Tool and find out what people are bidding for the 4-6 positions to give you an idea of what realistic and educated marketers are bidding for these terms and if it is at least $0.50 then you are probably in a good market. 1-3 bidders tend to be spending money without method and willing to blow income.

So now that you have a good idea what people are bidding you can decide if it is a good market to go after. This can save you a lot of time and potentially make you a lot of money.

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