Monday, September 29, 2008

What To Look For In Small Business Opportunities

By Myles Krueger

In any business it is necessary to have a vision statement which is a systematic assessment of all the factors critical to your business purpose and goals. If you do not know how, why and where are going somewhere, how will you get there? A vision statement is the formula for this.

It begins with an outline of what your business purpose and goals will be and then continues with your own skills, prior experiences and specialized resources. Provide an assessment of the economic environment your business will become, and your marketing plan. Also, include a study of demographic and traffic flow data.

If you choose to operate your own small business, this plan would be useful in a number of ways. Here are some of the reasons not to skip this valuable tool for your success. This will show you why it is important to plan.

Be conservative in predicting capital requirements, timelines, sales and profits because few business plans correctly anticipate how much money and time will be required. It's best not to ignore spelling out your strategies in the event of business adversities. Use simple language in explaining these issues.

If there are any unknown liabilities, he will also be able to advise you on this situation. If you do not have an attorney, you can use expert help from an accountant, banker, business broker or other business owners. One of these experts can help you determine how much a business is worth and what to offer.

As a buyer, you obtain and examine the seller's financial statement and records for the past 24-36 months. This will give you a basis for the offer because you have now collected all the information for what your net income will be. It's also wise to ask for their personal and business tax returns.

Here is an example of items that make a great business plan. You should write out your basis business concept and gather all the data and specifics you can on your business concept. Refine your concept based on that data then, outline your data using, a "what, where, why, how" approach for your agenda.

However, remember that some of the most profound inventions of all time, like airplanes and cars, did not result in economic benefits of many who tried to share these great advances. Success comes to those who find business with economics. Sadly, great inventions to mankind do not always bring financial reward to those who invent them.

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