Thursday, September 25, 2008

Small Business Lead Generation Made Easy

By Chet Holmes

You should have this goal for your product or service. What information will help set the buying criteria in your favor? No matter what you sell, data makes your information work harder. Also, it needs to be said that the more complex your product or service is the better the opportunity to appear as an expert. If you come from the place of truly wanting to serve your buyer, then being a market expert-not just a product expert-means being more knowledgeable than any of your competitors. This is easy to do as most of your competitors will be more concerned about selling product than about positioning themselves as experts.

Here are two more powerful examples of using Education based marketing. A company I worked with sold research aids to tax experts such as accountants and lawyers. Their focus was on product data: They would say," Here's our research aid and here's what it does." I changed their focus to market data: "The IRS now requires you to take these steps in your research.

Two more examples of Educational Based Marketing I worked with another company that sold research aids to tax experts (accountants and lawyers). They were focused on product data: "Here's our research aid and here's what it does." I got them to focus on market data: "The IRS now requires you to take these 22 steps in your research. These are steps you can't possibly bill to the client, as no client will pay for all this. So what you can do instead is use our products. These products speed up this process." Market data made the product data MUCH more important Here's example two. I had a client that sold pictorial calendars that ranged from puppies to Pamela Anderson. We did some studies and found that, per square inch, bookstores were outselling massive retailers by 40% more volume.

I had another client that sold calendars ranging from Pam Anderson to puppies. We did studies and found that per square inch, bookstores were outselling large retailers by forty percent more volume. Here's why: Bookstores were putting calendars right by the cash registers. So, if you are standing in line to check out you see a calendar on cars such as Mustangs.

Your boss loves Mustangs so you buy him the calendar. Mass merchant stores were putting the calendars in the back by the stationary department. They weren' t selling nearly as many calendars. By showing this date to more and more stores, this client increased sales 20% in a single year whereas they had not had an increase in sales for four years prior to using this market data to motivate better positioning of the calendars.

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