Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Making Money With A Blog

By Steven J. Talrechi

While you already know that having a blog is a terrific way to make your opinions known; but you may not know that it can also offer you a way to make some money. Blogs are one of the fastest growing sectors of the media and investors and advertisers alike are coming around. If you never thought of making money from your blog before, there's no time like the present to get started. There a re a lot of blogs out there which do make money for the bloggers behind them - why shouldn't your blog bring in a little extra money for you?

The first way that you can make some money from your blog is through selling out advertising space. Many blogs come to agreements with pay per click agencies who will then place ads across the top of your blog or along the sidebar. These ads do not disrupt the flow of your text and ideally, they will advertise products that will interest you readers. In exchange for hosting these ads, you will receive a small payment anytime that someone clicks on them, taking your readers to your advertiser's site.

Another way to make money through blogging is to let readers give donations to you. It's kind of like having a tip jar there on your blog that your leaders can throw a little money into if they like what they read there. While you aren't going to make a ton of money this way, you'll find that a lot of your readers will be happy to make a donation.

When you want to make money from your blog, one way in which you can do so is that you can use it to draw attention to the services and goods that you offer. If, for instance, you sell pet supplies, you will find that devoting an entry to specific products or service that you provide can go a long way towards getting you the attention that you need. When you are looking to make sure that people come to your main website, be sure to put plenty of mention regarding it on your blog. On your blog, you can offer special insights into the product themselves, and you can even make special offers for your blog readers. This will have the effect of drawing more people to your blog as well as directing them to what you are selling.

You can make money through blogging by joining up with a blog network. When you sign up with one of these networks, you will be assigned a specific topic to write about and be paid by the entry or by the amount of visitors you drive to the advertiser's site. Joining these blog networks can make sure that you reach an audience and receive some money for your writing. Of course, there is the downside that you won't have full control over your subject matter or the way that you write about it.

When you want to make money blogging, remember that there are plenty of ways to do it. Find the method that most appeals to you and make sure that you think about what you can do in order to make the most out of it!

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