Monday, September 29, 2008

Internet Web Marketing

By joseph cotroneo

When it comes to internet web marketing, many people jump on the band wagon, hoping to experience the rags to riches story in their own life. Internet web marketing is sold heavily everyday online. So it's easy to run after every guru's latest gravy train.

That's the beauty of the way making money is sold. Just as you buy one system you are told weeks later that you need this latest system otherwise you could be leaving thousands on the table. They put the carrot in front of the donkey and keep it there.

So what do we do, we go running after the dream, the dream that is actually set forth by them and we buy into it because they appeal to our emotional side, and as you know it is emotion that sells products and services, not logic or pragmatism.

Sure, everyone wants to have a life that is better, no matter where you are from. We want to accomplish a lot and feel great about what we have done. These emotions are very strong and the people who sell these programs are well aware of this.

Just think, most people who sell cars will use imagery to sell you the car. They tell you how great you'll look in the car and how it will look wonderful in front of your home. Of course this sounds great to you since you want to look great. So, you may find yourself making an emotional decision to purchase a car you really didn't want or need.

When it comes to internet web marketing, it is really not different at all. People try to cater to the needs of people who are desperate to have a better life. They appeal to the ego and try to make sure that they entice you with promises of wealth and a better life.

Understanding how and why these marketing schemes work so well is the first step to walking away from them. It puts the control back in your hands when you realize that like the car salesperson, they are just trying to "sell you something".

Once you realize that you've been had, your first instinct is to get angry. Shelve that. When you get an email promising you wealth and fortune, cars, trips and vacations all paid for, take a good look at it. Study the email to see what it is really about. Use it as an outline of how you would promote your own product that is similar to what the other guy is selling. This is a guide you can use, and if you can figure out what buttons it pushed and how it pulled on your emotions, you will understand a bit more about the sales market.

There are many different techniques that can help you with internet web marketing; however, when you understand your emotions and what drives them, it can help you tap into the emotions of other people. This will help you to come up with great landing pages that will help you presell your products. It will also help you to write sales and email copy as well, and you'll be getting many names to add to your email list.

Once you have some names, make sure that you follow up with content that is excellent. Make sure you relate to the needs of your market and then provide them with what they need.

Once you get past the scams and schemes, you will find that there are distinct advantages to getting into Internet marketing. It doesn't take a lot of money to get started, as long as you understand that scams will take your money. You can really make money in your sleep, if you follow some sound advice and exercise the same judgments you do use in the real world. Take the schemes emails and use it as a blueprint to build a real, integrity-rich product or service. You won't be able to help but become successful as a result.

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