Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Your eBook Can Be Used As Advertising Space

By Stu McLaren

Have you ever thought that you eBooks could be used to generate multiple streams of income? Instead of having only one revenue stream coming from them, use a little creativity to really push how much you can get from each eBook.

One strategy of how you can do this is selling advertising space within the eBooks that you are developing.

Here is an example. You have created an eBook on how to plan a wedding on a budget. This is a multi-billion dollar industry that you are now tapping into. Do you think that some of the companies that sell products and services within this industry would be interested in having the ability to get in front of people who have just purchased a product that that particular topic?

It may seem like an obvious question to ask, but you all should ask yourself what businesses would be interested in getting in front of the audience I will be attracting? This is one of those creative questions that you should all be asking yourself regularly.

Just to ingrain it. For the target audience that I will be attracting, what other businesses would be interested in getting in front of them?

Once you start asking yourself this question all different businesses will come to mind. You may think of some of your competitors. You will also start to think of complimentary businesses who will want to provide their services and products to the particular market you're marketing to by purchasing ad space in your eBook.

It is up to you how you put together you eBook with the ads. They could be scattered throughout, all together at the beginning or at the end. It doesn't matter how you lay them out, it just provides you a method of generating revenue by selling advertising.

You could create eBooks to add value to your current customers. Here's a good example. I have a great list. I do not have a big email list. I have a great relationship with the people on my email list.

To maintain that relationship and provide my current costumers valuable information one thing I could do is create an eBook for them. It could summarize or give step by step directions on a subject that my email list has questions about.

Finding win-win strategies to add value to you and vise-versa is something I can always looking for so that my relationship with you and my list only gets stronger.

Keep your eyes out for what your target market are wanting to know, or what business questions they may have. All you have to do then is develop an eBook outlining the procedure, give more information or answer they questions to solve that particular issue and they will see it as you providing great valuable information. This is something you should be constantly thinking about how you can boost your current relationships with your customers and an eBook is a great way to do this and selling advertising within it benefits you as well.

Going into any business with that mindset about your customers and throw in a little creativity, all different opportunities for more profit will emerge!

By exploring your creativity ideas will come to you when you need them the most!

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