Thursday, September 25, 2008

Voice Mail Broadcasting - "The" Small Business Marketing Solution

By Karl and John of Beach Bum Communications

If you own or operate a small business; if you are an entrepreneur, network marketer or MLMer, you undoubtedly are painfully aware of the biggest challenges facing small businesses of every sort. These consist of attracting new prospects, turning them into customers, then keeping them. Ideally, this should be done for free (word of mouth's fantastic) or for a low cost. Unlike big American businesses, though, you can't go out and market until you create a demand. What to do?

Is there an effective, affordable small business direct marketing solution? Yes! It's called voice broadcasting software, and it's revolutionizing the way business is done. With voice mail broadcasting technology, it's now possible for virtually any small business to reach out to targeted customers by the hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands in mere minutes.

Reaching a lot of prospects fast by phone used to take either labor intensive, expensive phone banks, autodialers costing thousands apiece, or both. No more. If you want your phone to ring off the hook with customers who are ready to buy and red hot prospects who want to know more, the smart move is to let easily affordable voice broadcasting software do the work, while you take the orders.

But what is voice broadcasting, exactly? Voice broadcasting is a technology that allows you to send a custom voice message out to thousands of households or businesses with the press of a button, quickly and inexpensively. The message is delivered both live and to voicemail, meaning that even if recipients are not at home they will get the message!

Now your phone can (and will) ring off the hook with a steady supply of red-hot prospects and ready-to-buy customers. You can do all this at a cost of literally only nickels per call. There's no cheaper, better, faster nor more effective form of advertising available today than voice broadcasting. This software is, in our opinion, "the" solution for small business sales and marketing.

Need to send a custom message instantly to the masses quickly and easily? Voice broadcasting software makes it simple, and not just for business! While you may wish to announce new products, promote a sale, issue service reminders and thank clients for their ongoing business, voice broadcasting software is also perfect for civic organizations, churches and non-profits. With it, the drudgery of getting the word out is minimized, while preserving staff/volunteer time and energies for better uses elsewhere.

Since a small business owner or operator typically wears a bunch of hats, it's not surprising that some fit better than others. Nowhere is this truer than in systematic sales and marketing, frequently the orphan stepchild of small business. The good intentions may be there, but often, that's as far as it goes. What with trying to keep the doors open in the face of giant, well financed competitors, not really knowing what works and what doesn't, let alone why, coupled with the ever-present budget constraints, it's all too easy to simply rely on word of mouth, flyers and hope. While this may work, we've found that it's no fast track to a booming business!

Be in charge of the growth and success of your business! Don't wait for others to "find" your business when you have the power to make it happen yourself. Take charge! This is why voice broadcasting software is the perfect small business direct marketing solution.

Isn't it time for YOUR small business sales and marketing message to be heard above the din of all the other ads, commercials and offers out there? Voice broadcasting allows you to reach people one-on-one and deliver a message when you have their undivided and complete attention. This revolutionary new technology changes everything - the entire small business marketing dilemma. Now you can and will find and retain prospects and customers - at will. Let the revolutionary voice mail broadcasting technology radically improve your sales, direct marketing efforts and your small business, starting today.

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