Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6 Great Reasons To Use Offshore Labor Hire in the Philippines

By Darron Skinner-Martin

Reducing costs are not the only reason business process outsourcing to the Philippines can be beneficial to your company. The productivity and standard of customer service can be significantly increased in you business by outsourcing offshore labor hire. Business process outsourcing will enable you to streamline operational procedures and allow your senior staff to focus on the key competencies of your organization.

Recent years have seen the rise of outsourcing offshore labor hire to countries like the Philippines because of the benefit of lower labor rates in these locations. But more than the cost advantage offered by this strategy, businesses actually benefit more from the quality of service offshore companies are able to offer. The Philippines has a rich pool of highly qualified manpower specially trained for service-oriented jobs. The Philippines has so far proven to be the best location for getting business process outsourcing staff because of its several unique advantages.

Here are the top 6 reasons why outsourcing offshore labor hire in the Philippines is beneficial:

1. Fluency in English. The Philippines is the third largest English speaking country in the world, and the offshore staff in the Philippines use the language very well. This is because English is taught and used intensively in all levels of education in the country, generally ensuring a wide vocabulary, proper dictation, good grammar skills, and a high level of comprehension for the average employee. And since Filipinos have been greatly influenced by American culture, they can easily adopt the American accent, which makes them easier to talk to. Filipinos living in the cities have a bilingual literacy rate of 94 percent.

2. Americanized Culture. The people of the Philippines was one of a number of places the the United States of America colonized. As a result of this the Filipino people have a very close affinity with people from developed countries. Filipinos understand the intricacies of the English language and western culture which has contributed to making the Philippines the outsourcing offshore labor hire solution for many companies.

3. Time Differences. One of the major benefits of offshore outsourcing labor hire to the Philippines is the difference in the time zones. The 2 hour timezone difference between Australia and the Philippines ensures staff are working your business hours. This factor alone makes offshore outsourcing to the Philippines integral to your companies operations.

4. The prestige factor. Call center or BPO jobs in the Philippines are regarded with higher esteem than they are in more developed countries. Business process outsourcing staff in the Philippines generally consider it prestigious to work for Australian companies outsourcing offshore labor hire, and so treat their jobs with greater importance.

5. The Filipino people have a number of unique personality traits. Their friendliness and loyal qualities make them ideal for all offshore labor hire services roles like customer support and telemarketing. In addition the Filipino people are hard working, eager to please you and have the ability to adapt to different situations easily.

6. Education plays a major role in the growth and development of the Philippines. The IT skills in particular are of the highest standard found anywhere in the world. The tertiary education in the Philippines is widely regarded and considered equivalent to most institutions world wide. The companies employing business process outsourcing staff from this region are already benefiting from the Filipinos world class education system.

The use of outsourcing offshore labor hire to the Philippines is considered essential. By business process outsourcing staff you are giving your business the necessary edge to grow and profit from global talents.

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