Monday, September 22, 2008

Pay Per Click Advertising for Lead Generation

By David B. Ascot

Pay per click advertising includes services such as Yahoo Search Marketing, NineMSN Search Marketing and of course most famously, Google AdWords. Paid search is an effective, trackable and instant method of building a list of leads and because of this; I'd have to say it's my favourite method to use. Of course, you need to make sure that you are properly optimising your advertising budget by making sure your search spending offers a good return on investment. Install some conversion tracking tools so you can find exactly where your money is going and how effective it is.

It's easy to use this tracking; but if you are unfamiliar with these tools, just search on Google using the search term "Google Adwords Conversion Tracking" and you should find something which can show you how. Once you start using this tracking software, you'll start seeing how different keywords, ads and landing ages are performing for you. To make the most of Google AdWords or another paid search program, you should:

1. Test Lots of Different Keywords: Don't try out just one or even a few keywords. You need to test hundreds, even thousands of different keywords and phrases. You want to find the very best key phrases that get results and which are just a waste of money. Conversion tracking will let you know which ones are getting the best results for you.

2. Test multiple ads: Google Adwords and other pay per click providers allow you to use multiple ads and decide which are doing the best job of bringing in traffic or conversions. One client of ours, a finance company found that they were getting traffic and conversion from one ad at 30% of the cost of other ads they had been using. When your company is spending in the mid five figures each month for advertising, 30% is a big saving.

3. Break up Your Pay Per Click Account into Targeted Ad Groups: An ad group is simply a group of ads which will be brought up by a certain group of keywords. Let's suppose that you're a mortgage provider. As such, you offer mortgage refinancing among your products. You may have an A group of ads which are triggered by the keywords "refinance mortgage" and closely related variations. The ad which comes up in these keyword searches will have these words in it and will be targeted to potential customers who may use these keywords - and send those who click on the ad to a landing page which is about refinancing mortgages.

The goal here is to make sure that your landing pages and your ads as relevant as possible to your keywords - this is the way to get those high conversion rates you really want.

When you implement these strategies, you can actually increase the performance and return on investment of your Google Adwords or other pay per click accounts by orders of magnitude. So, we're talking two times, three times, five times, even ten times the results just by following these strategies.

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