Saturday, September 20, 2008

Distributing Your Promotional Mugs

By Matthew Calvin

Using promotional mugs for brand promotion is pretty self explanatory. Most companies use this advertising technique to attract new customers. In order to get the desired results from using promotional mugs for advertising, you must consider carefully the target market and details of designing the mug.

Following the proper research on the target recipients, and successfully creating the ideal mug, you must decide on the best way to distribute the mugs. There are many things to consider before passing the mug along to customers. Some of these include where to hand the mugs out and how to get them there. Here are some tips to assist you in your decision.

Promotional mugs are a very general kind of gift; therefore, it gives a lot of flexibility in terms of the event, where they can be distributed. You can make them a Christmas or New Years gift, a souvenir at an exhibition, a memento of a symposium, or an incentive to your employees.

The other aspect of distributing promotional mugs is how they will reach the receiver. It might happen that you plan to present these mugs to all your existing wholesale dealers. For that, you should send these mugs by post. In such a case, you have to ensure that the distribution is done in a way that the gifts reach the recipient in an unharmed manner. One option is to pack mugs in polystyrene forms, but it is not a very professional way of distribution nor is it environmentally friendly. The second option is to pack the promotional mugs in grooved card boxes. The mugs are safe in these double walled boxes due to proper cushioning and there is little chance that they will end up damages. This option is also very effective in bulk distribution of the gifts.

No one enjoys receiving a gift that is damaged, so make sure to remember this when deciding on how to get the mug to it's destination. Asking your mug supplier about the recommended shipping method is preferred. They are experts in this area, so feel secure in their advice.

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