Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 New Web Tactics To Train Your Downline

By Rebecca Holman

It does not matter what your network marketing opportunity is, it is time to challenge your thinking on how to make your living using the new Web 2.0 tactics. I am sure you realize that you now have access to limitless prospects that enter the world wide web every day, seeking home based employment.

The days of the "3 foot rule" are dead for the most part. Stop chasing and bugging your family and friends. Don't tell your downline to make that warmed over list of 100 people ever again. I live in Montana, so after you pitch your town of 100 people, you are DONE my friend.

In this article I will give you a few ideas about how you can build your MLM business by working smarter, not harder. I can tell you that personally, I have struggled for years trying to do it the old fashioned way, so I know your frustrations.

Tip 1. No matter if your opportunity is Avon or Carbon Copy Pro, you need to stop pitching the business. It is time to learn some "Attraction Marketing" and start promoting "YOU, Inc". This new way of marketing means that your list is YOURs and not your networking companies. If you decide to switch companies or your company goes down, you have your list to take with you.

Tip 2. Todays opportunity seeker is looking for a leader, and an organization that will provide great training on new techniques. I am sorry to let you know that they are NOT looking for you OR your least not up front. Provide a service and they will flock to you and want to join you.

Tip 3. Set your downline up with a system that puts them on autopilot. Duplication is easier than ever if you have the correct system in place.

3.a. Your MLM Training system should provide a website with capture pages, that allows for custom changes to the page, so they can brand themselves, not the opportunity. 3b. Your network marketing training system must provide the latest in Web 2.0 traffic building tactics. 3c. Your Lead Training System should provide an initial autoresponder series so that your newbie members do not have to struggle with the initial follow up.

(MLM)Network Marketing has entered the new century so you need to get out of the 90s. If you are not networking the new Web 2.0 way you will always be broke. If your opportunity does not allow you to use new techniques then you should RUN from them, they are keeping you broke and tired.

Now is the time to find out how to beat your competition through automating your MLM Lead Training program as described above. You can now market to more leads, in more places, 24/7/365. It is time move into the future of automation to explode your downline and your profits.

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