Sunday, September 21, 2008

Trade Show and Event

By Expo Marketing

What You Need to Know for Trade Show Success

Trade shows are a misuse of money ... except when you know how to do them right! while face-to-face selling is definitely the fast track to making sales, whats usually missing is the little known details and opportunities.

The hush-hush method to maxing-out results in this business is to learn by watching the masters - experts whose everyday spotlight is on developing trade show products and campaigns that earn vast significant amounts of money for their clients. The goal of this article is to ensure your success, whether you're making a small orhuge investment in trade shows and events.

Did you know? Most trade shows offer some combination of advertising opportunities in all price ranges. Here's some that can provide a significant increase in your results: 13 Tips for Better traffic Results:

* Inside and outside banners

* Floor decals - put in aisle ways on major traffic aisles

* Hotel keys - sponsor hotel keys so everyone who stays at the event hotel sees your ad daily

* Turn down service - your ad or promotional item is placed on every guests' pillow

* Trade Show bags

* Lanyards

* Advertising in show guide and show dailies - a newspaper published each day for show attendees

* Sponsorship of directional signage

* Sponsorship of coffee breaks or luncheons

* Cab signage - light boxes on tops of cabs

* Shuttle bus signage

* Literature displays (kiosks) in lobbies - you restock literature yourself

* Inserts for show badges - every badge has your name on it

Stay away from the standardized look of other rental exhibits. Get an expert look and a unique style that will make a statement.

Consider renting an exhibit booth. Purchasing an exhibit booth is a long-term commitment. If you rent your booth you escape all of the ownership costs like storage, maintenance and exhibit house prep charges for each show you attend. As well you can have a new look every year when you can refine your look, and your booth.

Currently there are lightweight and flexible booth walls that can be packed up into small shipping containers and be easily and economicallyshipped anywhere in the world. These types of exhibit booths make a fantastic starting point for those new to trade shows and exhibitions, as well as quick setups for any tiny or large business ventures.

The main thing is to get people into your booth and catch their attention in your products. Be creative. Think creative. Why not set up a whole little office where you can sit with people for short courses, seminars and be able to present a show. Don't limit yourself to a simple booth when pushing the envelope can provide you with new customers who will remember your corporate image and products.

There is a lot more to consider in gorwing traffic at your trade show show booth. From pre-show direct mail programs to business worthy giveaways, drawings, advertising in show guides, show site banners, etc. All these things will come together to make your show presence have a great deal of impact. - Expo Marketing works with 100% of trade shows and similar convention exhibition booths sales, rentals, setups and tear downs.

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