Thursday, September 4, 2008

Strategic Internet Marketing Tips That Can Save Your Online Biz

By Anthony Chambers

The Internet has grown into an important vessel for making money worldwide. Just about every business owner that can profit from this huge network of worldwide computer users, is trying to do so. In almost every corner of the world, small and large business proprietors are jumping online by the millions because of the huge potential for cashing in on these users. These web users represent a huge market for these businesses. You can use this flurry of economic activities to your benefit. By improving your knowledge of strategic Internet marketing right now, you can set your business at the very front of this global trend.

But as Internet usage flourishes with a reported user-base of almost 1.5 billion people worldwide, so does the competition for sales. There are literally hundreds of millions of websites online and as a marketer you have to find a way for people to find your site. You really have to compete for your share of this growing market, not just put up a website and walk away? Here are some strategies to fine-tune your marketing skills and thus increase your chances of success in the Internet marketing arena.

One really good tool you can employ in your strategic Internet marketing quest is to place effective text ads on popular websites that your target the same marketing you are hoping to sell to. By placing an ad on one of these websites, you will be able to tap into an already existing flow of traffic. The result can be dramatic. What you will be hoping for of course, is that these visitors will visit your website, and buy your products or services.

If you make a decision to use this marketing strategy of buying ads on other people's websites, there are some common-sense things you should check for. The idea is to make sure that you get the best value for your advertising dollar. The first order of business is to check the external links coming into their site. A good place to do this is at You should also check their Google rank to see if the website is considered an authority site. A rank of 3 or better is a good indicator of an authority site.

You should consider reciprocal linking as a marketing tool as well. Several of my own websites have achieved high Google ranks because of reciprocal linking. Since placing ads on other sites will not be cheap, it may not be suitable for everyone who needs the benefits to be derived from it. However, reciprocal link is usually just an exchange so there is no charge for participating in it. You can link manually or through automated scripts which you can either rent or buy. check out for a free manual reciprocal linking system that works.

One really good strategic marketing tip you can implement right away is to provide useful tips, tools, and hints for your visitors. Speaking personally, I have found myself looking up Mike's marketing tools from time to time because this website owner provides so many free tools. If you have several of these tools, your visitors will bookmark your website without your asking them to do so. Not only will they do this, but they will come back to your website time and time again. This is similar to making a statement that your site's content is important enough to have other people visiting you often.

Learning and using Pay-per-click (PPC) is also a good strategic marketing strategy to use for immediate results. If you decide to use PPC marketing, You will only be asked to pay for the ads on which your visitors click. If you decide to use this method of advertisement, ensure that you are using services that set limits on daily expenses. I know for a fact that Goolge adwords do this. There are also services that help you find the best and most effective keywords as well as monitor the PPC results. A good membership site should provide this type of support at no extra charge.

The most fascinating fact about PPC marketing, is that you get almost immediate results that you can use as feedback about what you are offering for sale. This means that you can change aspects of your product or service quickly in response to market conditions or preferences. Finally, one of the biggest benefits to successful PPc marketing is relevance. If you can get your keywords to be relevant to your ads and to be also relevant to your landing page, you can create a ppc campaign that creates huge ROI and guarantee your marketing success.

If you have your own website, you will want to ensure that you create useful content for it. Keyword density is important to search engine placement buy many website designers with limited SEO knowledge have been guilty of overkill. By stuffing useless information into their websites, or stupidly repeating keywords they have effectively ensured that fewer search engines will list their websites. A good policy to follow is to make your website human friendly as well as search engine friendly.

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