Saturday, September 20, 2008

Small Business Sales & Marketing With Voice Broadcasting Software

By Karl and John of Beach Bum Communications

Relax. There's good news. Now there's an affordable, effective solution to all your small business sales and marketing woes. It's called voice mail broadcasting, or simply voice broadcasting for short. For an almost laughably small amount of money, you can send out custom sales messages to any number of potential prospects and current customers in a matter of minutes, all at the press of a button, and all from your desktop.

Remember the old yellow pages commercial that went "let your fingers do the walking?" Well, with the voice broadcasting software available today, computers do the "walking" and your fingers can do the order writing, because with modern voice broadcasting software your phone literally rings off the hook with hot prospects and ready-to-buy customers.

Your custom marketing message gets delivered fast. Now. Today. Not days, weeks or months from now. The voice mail broadcasting software can call people live, leave messages on answering machines, or do both. The system honors the national Do Not Call list, too, so there's no danger of running afoul of regulations. It calls residences or businesses as well. The technology and the results are absolutely phenomenal!

It doesn't matter if your business is work at home/network marketing, brick and mortar or sales on the road, every successful business needs a steady stream of interested prospects and steady customers, and there's no better nor cheaper way to find and attract prospects and customers than voice broadcasting. In the past, voice mail broadcasting technology was an expensive proposition. The equipment cost tens of the thousands of dollars and the calls were not cheap either. But the new voice broadcasting system allows you to reach people at a cost of only nickels per call. The best systems even include business to business (b2b) and consumer leads built in. What could be better?

There are so many ways to use this voice broadcasting software, too. It's not just for selling! If there's a job that takes phone time, you can forget about it. Let the voice mail broadcast system do it for you - far faster and for a lot less money! Use it for reminders and announcements with any group of any size - it's also perfect for civic organizations, charities doing fund raising and churches. Use it for first-look special offers and thank yous with existing clients. There's almost no limit to what you can do with voice broadcasting software!

Now you can forget about all those dubious ways you used to spend money (also known as "pouring cash down the rat hole") on various advertising and marketing schemes that don't work or only work some of the time. This is direct marketing that delivers! It's trackable, inexpensive and gets results. In fact, we believe it's the biggest bang for the buck available today. Why not have business booming at the press of a button, instead of hoping for the best and waiting for the phone to ring?

"The" small business direct marketing solution is voice broadcasting. If you want advertising and marketing that work and work fast and dependably, this is precisely the tool you need. Why? It puts you in charge of your own success, not random chance and hope!

Very simply, there is no other form of advertising and marketing the world today that is as powerful and immediate as voice mail broadcasting. You can literally get your phones ringing off the hook right away, and if you are serious enough about it, you can having them ringing from the moment you walk in to the time you turn out the lights. That's what the latest voice broadcasting software can do for you. It is "the" solution for marketing your small business.

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