Monday, September 22, 2008

Piggy Back on Your Competitions Products By Using Your eBooks

By Stu McLaren

Creating an eBook allows you to use it to cross-promote it as a free bonus with another person's services or products.

'What?' I know a lot of you may be thinking that right now, but it is exactly what I mean. Look at who is selling competitive products to you and ask them if they would be interested in using your eBook to add value to their package.

Adding value to current products or services it what every good business person is looking to do. You are giving them the opportunity to do just that in a very, very easy way.

You may be thinking, well what is in it for you? This will allow you to cross-promote your products or services.

This can be easily done. You can gain new customers by talking about your own products and services within the pages of the eBook, right?

Now, you don't want to make your eBook one big sales pitch for one of your products or it is unlikely that your competition will bundle it with their own package and people won't take you seriously.

When I am teaching people the mechanics of creating their first eBook one of the strategies I teach is how to integrate cross promotion within it without it sounding like a sales pitch. I want you to think on that road too because you can still inform people of your products without making them seem like your constantly selling them something.

Giving quality information should be your first and primary focus. By doing that it is a sales tactic on its own. When you give people good content they will learn to like and trust you. By doing that, it doesn't hurt to also include information and a few links about your products though!

You need to be constantly thinking, "How could you use the eBook to cross promote your products or services, but yet by giving away to your competitors or businesses that market themselves to the same particular target market, so that they could add value to their customers, yet you still get a kickback by providing people information about what you do, therefore generating leads".

When you are creating your eBook, really try to brainstorm other methods on how you can use it. This one strategy of cross-promotion is just one of many.

By exploring your creativity ideas will come to you when you need them the most!

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