Saturday, September 6, 2008

MLM Prospecting: Phone Interviewed Leads against Long Form Leads

By David Lawrence

I'm often asked whether it is really worth the extra money to purchase Phone Interviewed Leads over traditional Long Form Leads which are often a fraction of the cost.

ROI is really the answer to your question. Let's divide ROI into 2 different categories. 1) Time - Return on time invested prospecting the leads. 2) Money - Return on the money you invested on purchasing the leads.

First, understanding how a Phone Interviewed Lead is generated is the key for you to make your decision. Usually a live call center operator will have to call through 20-30 web surveyed Long Form Leads to generate one qualified Phone Interviewed Lead.

A call center representative has to go through wrong numbers, unisterested people, and other variables before finding someone interested in a Home Based Business. In reality, the call center representative is doing the early sorting and sifting for you.

One variable to consider is that the phone interviewed lead tends to be easier for a new marketer learning the trade. The new marketer will not undergo all the pre qualification leg work already done by the call center operator. In this case, paying more money for a Phone Interviewed Lead might be beneficial if prospecting time is of the essence to you.

Now, if the most important factor of your decision in which lead to purchase is the money factor, then a little more research will need to be done.

You might have to call 3 to 4 times as many leads to make the same amount of contacts as if you purchase Phone Interviewed leads, but at the end of the day if you are spending less for the return you receive in commissions, long form leads might be the way to go.

But then again, if you have to purchase substantially more long form leads to receive the same results and thus are spending more money, you might have to rethink how much each lead is really costing you.

A balanced approach between time and money is my advice to you. Test both lead types and find your cost per lead. Find how much time and energy you spent with each lead type in order to achieve similar results.

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