Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Making Money With PPC Campaigns

By Brian Basch

Pay per click advertising (PPC) is the fast-growing way of advertising online. It's profitable and super efficient, giving the advertisers real value for money! That is, if it's targeted correctly. Just how fast growing is it? Around two billion dollars (and increasing) worth of on-line advertising is channeled through these campaigns each year.

How PPC Advertising Works

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and others create listings. They're ranked by how much an advertiser is willing to pay for each click that brings a visitor to their website. A better position can be obtained by bidding against other advertisers to get the keyword or phrase you want. Those with the highest bids on a keyword will be ranked highest on the search page. Ads are ranked in descending order, determined by how much the advertiser bids, and the relevance of the ad to the search. Usually, they're displayed along the right hand side of the browser window.

Recent adjustments to the way Google, the largest of the search engines, ranks PPC ads mean that just a high bid won't guarantee the best spot. Your ad and webpage must also have a high quality score with the search engine. Essentially, Google must think that your ad and your homepage are useful and relevant if you're going to get good rankings.

The change is welcome from the view of users who were tired of ads that weren't helping them and advertisers who don't have a huge budget. Google's latest changes ensures that more real, relevant advertising is on offer and it allows those who write quality advertising to be considered for higher rankings.

PCC Can Make You Money

You gain a commission on every purchase when you direct a customer to affiliated sites. While waiting for your site to be ranked by search engines, using PPC campaigns with affiliate web pages allows you to direct traffic instantly to that affiliate page through your link.

You can track PPC easily and it allows you to keep a clear record of how much you are spending on each advertisement. It also tracks how much traffic it brings in and how many commissions you make. Tracking is an important tool in succeeding in Internet marketing, for it allows you to replace or cancel advertisements that are not working so well.

Pay per click campaigns are not the only way to make money from an affiliate site. Increasing your ability to get traffic fast, you can also direct this traffic to your site. Traffic and sales would both be low if you just sit and wait for people to find your site. Build a subscriber list of your own and direct them to an affiliate link once a visitor reaches your site. And, in order to keep your business fresh in their minds you can send out offers and deals with your list.

Risks of PPC Advertising

It is important to make sure all your advertising is effective. You will end up losing money on PPC campaigns if you don't do it right. It is a waste of resources if clicks don't bring in sales. You will have a great way to earn money online if you know what you are doing when it comes to setting up your campaign and choosing the right products.

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