Sunday, September 21, 2008

Making money With Articles

By Dreary Rainman

If you are looking for a powerful yet cost-effective content-based marketing solution to promote your website and your products, you should definitely give article marketing a try. This marketing tool allows you to communicate your expertise online so people will trust you and consider doing business with you.

The actual submission process is easy. You simply register as a user, click on 'submit article' (or equivalent) and paste your article in the space provided. The publisher will get back to you in a few days and let you know whether or not the article is accepted.

Once you have your article, or articles, written you should start submitting them to article submission sites. There are loads of them out there, as a quick web search will reveal. There are also plenty of submission services that will do the job for you.

There are many good article submission programs out there. Some of them are free, and others charge a fee for the program. I find the free ones usually have 50 to 100 sites pre-loaded into them.

One reason why you have to write your own original articles and submit those articles to article submission directories is that your listed articles will be shown in the area of organic search in search engines with high ranking. With this sense, there are a lot of opportunities to boost up your affiliate commission through your articles.

Re-write your articles. This is not usually being mentioned by article directories but it is better if you do so. Re-writing your article means changing some words including the title and arrangement of sentences but maintaining the original content

Monitor the performance of your articles online. As with all aspects of marketing, tracking is imperative to eliminate the waste and optimize what works well. Determine the click through rate for each article to identify which ones are being read.

You need to know how to choose keywords that can help you get a good amount of traffic, without being too competitive to get on the first or second page. Keyword Suggestion Tool is a handy little tool that will help you to determine which phrases are searched most often on both Wordtracker and Overture.

The first step in article marketing is the submission process. Ezine publishers, article announcement lists and article directories are the most common places for submission. This will accomplish several things.

Optimize your articles. Keep the search engines in mind when writing your copies. Consider their algorithms so you can effectively create your articles in such a way that you will be able to impress them.

You can also use article submission software to post 10 articles per day to more than 300 article directories. Submitting your articles to the article directories manually can take days to complete. Manual article submission needs five minutes to submit an article to just one website.

Another way to do article marketing is to blog. Blogging software like Wordpress automatically ping different blog feeds or you could manually ping sites. Some webmasters browse blog feeds and repost articles that they find are interesting. Also, some blog feeds have Digg it!

At the bottom of your article, you will use a resource box to include your information. Who you are and what you can do for the customer. You will also have the most powerful part of the entire article there. That is of course your website link.

Most people will read an article, agree with what is said, and maybe even get excited about doing what is in the article. Then life and procrastination take over and the article becomes just another good intention that does not get followed through on.

Today most of the search engines count heavily towards ranking of your website using anchor text. If you use the keyword or keyphrase of your website as the anchor text and link this text to your website URL, search engines will gulp this info faster and will rank you higher on this keyword/keyphrase.

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