Saturday, September 6, 2008

Make Lots of Money Fast by Beating Adwords With Ease

By Joseph Archibald

How many times have you read about people who make lots of money fast by using internet marketing? How many emails have you received telling you about the next thing out that's going to have you packing in your day job in no time at all? This sounding familiar to you?

Is it a huge desire for you to do just that? To give up the daily slog working 8 hours or more in the office so you can spend more time at home doing the things that really matter to you for a change?

You may well be aware of what it feels like to support a young family? Even though you have a full time income from your day job, You are so desperate to leave that day job behind and enjoy the flexibility of internet marketing instead. That way you can spend quality time with your wife and children. The kids are growing up and you do not want to miss out on their childhood.

Or perhaps you have a collection of sites now, because the first one did not get the traffic it so badly deserves. Nor the second nor the third... So you've been trying different combinations of long tail keywords. Surely one of the combinations will get you a first page ranking? Familiar sounding story?

And talking about the money side. How much have you "wasted" when pursuing the next best internet marketing philosophy or scheme? Probably you found out about it in the first place via an email you received and you felt it was not to be missed at any cost?!

How long has it taken to get this far and how many different methods have you tried?

How much money has been "invested" seeking opportunity after opportunity because the last one that promised so much has failed to produce the goods, yet again?

You bought so many eBooks that you don't know how to keep them all cataloged on your hard drive - its getting out of control. In fact, your computers desktop is flowing over with eBooks and downloaded zip files that its making you depressed every time you switch on and boot up.

But on the other hand, you check your email again today and BAM! there is the answer - contained in that one email out of the 100 or so you got for the day - the promise of "amazing traffic"! This method is different to each you have tried so far. So, what to do - leave it or pop it in the trash and regret that you did not try it out, or purchase it and regret in a weeks time you ever spent the money?

A bit naive I know but I had always thought it was as easy as getting some decent keywords and doing my marketing around the keywords alone. So, as it turns out its not as much about that now as it was pre-2005. I remember reading Cory Rudl's Internet Marketing Tips, I think back in late 2002 or early 2003 and although I did not fully understand it at the time, I thought it would be straight-forward enough to research some keywords and try to put together a simple website of some kind. I didn't even get to the stage of researching the keywords as my attempts at constructing a website were pretty abysmal to say the least!

Now though things have changed, the goal posts have been moved far from where they once were. Its not the case of getting some keywords, building a website and the traffic floods in. Competition for internet marketing is so, so much stiffer now than ever before. Sure - building a website or blog is much easier than previously but its not about just grabbing keywords and hey presto! So, how to go about getting traffic to your website? How to make lots of money fast from your internet marketing pursuits? Anyone for beating adwords?

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