Monday, September 22, 2008

Looking For A Solid SEO Consultant

By Dave Davis

Good SEO consultants are very hard to find. The industry is very new and right now there are people with little expertise that are selling themselves as industry experts. A legit consultant of SEO should be well versed in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and other areas of internet marketing.

A legit SEO consultant should be able to help you to understand the time delays and costs of SEO. While a talented consultant of this type can definitely help you to get more traffic, it will take time. A solid SEO should have a good understanding of how much time it should take.

There are hundreds of benefits you could get if you hired the right SEO. These benefits will include the restructuring of your site to rank important pages, selection of keywords that can bring quick traffic, and the ability to tag pages properly.

A solid SEO consultant should also be able to help you to learn from the analytics of your site. This can help you to convert more visitors into sales or subscribers. PPC and email marketing should also be optional methods that can be shown to you by a solid consultant.

There are several SEO consultants around who will gladly take your money, yet not give you the results promised. So how do you determine if a firm is selling you the real thing or snake oil? It's important to know what questions to ask a potential SEO consultant.

Ask and check out his qualifications. The time as a SEO consultant doesn't necessarily mean a better SEO. It's helpful to see his certifications such as a Google Advertising Professional.

Testimonials and references from clients are a great way to find out about the vendor. This information speaks volumes and the word of mouth is powerful.

Before hiring a consultant, you should try to get a good idea of how you will be communication back and forth with him. If you don't have email access or telephone access, it will be much more difficult for you to learn what you need to learn.

You should also ask your potential hire what kinds of rankings they can guarantee. A solid consultant will know that he can't guarantee anything and one that will might as well be selling snake oil.

What changes will be made on your website? This is a topic you will need to discuss thoroughly with the SEO consultant if you have complex navigation, pull-down menus, hierarchical trees, spiders, etc. Changes are crucial for SEO, especially to structure.

If you have found a solid individual, talk about price and make the hire if you're comfortable with it.

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