Thursday, September 18, 2008

Big Ticket to Wealth, Business Opportunity Review

By George L. Kenney

Internet marketing is so romantic in its appeal. The field seems to be full of people with wonderful dreams, goals and expectations. From the new marketer to the online marketing veteran who has been at it for a few years, everyone holds the dream of using the internet to create current income and build wealth. Another of the many business opportunities to come to market within the last year is a company named Big Ticket To Wealth. The web site shows how someone can create wealth online and a Marketing Mentors Program to assist.

Founder and C.E.O. Gerald Van Yerxa comes from a marketing background which is almost three decades in length. He has a passion not only for online marketing but also for helping his people succeed. Gerald has been a long time success in network marketing and brings these skills to Big Ticket to Wealth. He goes the extra mile to build the company and for its members.

Big Ticket's products include a series of digital down loads. The Marketing Mentors Program is significant for the marketing beginner. Others include the industry specific flash videos as well as tutorials about online marketing tools and techniques.

The comp plan is new within the industry. There are no "training sales" or pass ups to your sponsor. Instead sponsors receive a matching override for every sale. This is very beneficial in creating a team spirit and an environment in which team members help each other. An example of how it works, when yo make a sale, you and your sponsor both may receive up to $900.00 profit. When someone you sponsor makes a sale both they and you receive a profit of up to $900.00.

There are three levels to choose from:

* National Membership fee - $797

* Executive Membership fee - $1197

* Presidential membership fee - $1997

Your earnings for both your own sales and overrides from your team asr based on which level you choose. Upgrades are always possible.

The training manual has well over 500 pages of online marketing tools and techniques. Although designed to take the beginner step by step from beginning to success, I'm certain it would also aid the most seasoned online marketer. There are business overview calls throughout the week and Super Saturday trainings all hosted by Gerald himself. This C.E.O. continues to impress with his dedication to everyone's success.

In conclusion, Big Ticket To Wealth is "Real Deal", whether you are a novice or a seasoned expert you can generate Substantial Income online with this business.

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