Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why would I want to be a part of your network downline?

By John Wallen

How are you going to grab my attention and convince me I should partner with you in your home business? What works great and will build my business besides my optimistic outlook. Will I have to start with 2500 or 5000 hot prospects to mail postcards to and take my chances. That's costly, and I have just put down a lot of money to become part of your team.

Your website is very impressive, the compensation plan is a healthy one, and the company leaders seem very smart. The products look great, but I'm not going to drive my family and friends crazy with this. They are going to run everytime they see me, and then what? I need some kind of social life like anyone does.

Buying leads and making at least 10 or 15 calls each day at 4 or more dollars a pop, that's out of my league. I don't sit well with the idea of telemarketing anyway. Those people are pushy and don't take no for an answer. Besides I won't put up with all that rejection, getting hung up on all the time.

Running ads in the opportunity magazines are very costly, again I have bills to pay. I would have to at least break even all the time, don't you think I would be better off going to vegas? At least I would have some fun for the money I would spend. So how do I make money and show a real profit with your home business opportunity and products?

You suggest marketing on the internet, but does that really work? I hate getting spammed. I heard you can lose your affiliate position if you get caught doing that, and that could cause a big headache with legal problems because of the spamming laws. So forget buying email leads it's not worth taking the chance.

And what's the point of joining a safelist? I have read you shouldn't waste your time, everyone that's using them is already in a home business. All these people wanting you to join this and join that, I don't have this kind of time, and then I have to set up a seperate mailbox to take in all this junk? So it sounds to me like your stuck approaching strangers, and handing out business cards. No thanks not for me.

So the point is, if you don't have a sponsoring system that people can see the value and duplicate easily, your barking up the wrong tree. People don't care about how great your opportunity appears to be. They want a system that works, and they can put to use quickly and gives results. Not a waste of time!

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