Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tom Harvey's Review of the Infinity 800 Program

By Tom Harvey

What if all marketers cam together for this one Program and made a huge movement in the internet business world? What if, you could get into one of the hottest programs on the internet right now, formed by some of the elite marketing professionals in the industry that provide an unparalled product with big ticket payouts cming to the marketer with a low ticket program cost? Well, forget all the what if's, it is here now!

Infinity 800, what a name for a business. The program infinity 800 has superb timing with the current economic situation in the world let alone the U.S.. The Infinity 800 program goes to launch in January and I know that I am not going to be left behind on this one, and neither should you. That is unless you have not seen the new for the last 4 months and do not understand that home business thrives during hard economic times like now. So, here is the meat and bones of the Infinity 800 program.

The Infinity 800 program is the hottest program out right now as a 2 x 2 matrix. I know, Infinity 800 sounds like some NASA space project doesn't it? But it is actually the smokingest (right! not a word) on the internet today. So, what does that 2 x 2 matrix break down to? What it breaks down to is that you buck up and give $200 for you products and buy into the program. Along with that, there is a $60 admin fee and then buckle up for the ride.

Once you have gotten into the program or matrix, you bring in two more marketers. Now that there is two people under you on your team, you help them in turn bring in two more each. Now that you have gotten a total of six people into the matrix, you will now cycle. When you cycle you will recieve a check for $540. After you cycle, you go back in and start a new matrix. When those people cycle, they will come into the new matrix directly under you automatically. When you recieve another cycle, you will get another check for $540.

This now goes into perpetual motion and once the cycling is started, you cannot stop it. Bring more and more people into the program and you cycle faster and faster. This program is now in (pre) Pre-Launch and has already paid out some $145,000 in commissions. And this has been over only three and a half weeks.

So, joining one of the most dynamic teams on the internet now that will show you exactly how to market the infinity 800 program is an easy move. Espeacially when it is only $260 one time for life as a minimal investment. So, spending the few hours a week promoting this program is no problem at all to get the matrix rolling. Can you imagine the type of momentum once it gets rolling? Get on board now before it goes to official pre launch on January 1.

See, i mentioned my team earlier. The team i speak about it the University of Internet Science and I happen to be one of its founding members. This University of Internet Science was founded by my partner, Michelangelo Lopez and he just happens to be one of the top internet gurus online today. He has built the University of Internet Sciecne up to be one of the elite in rankings on alexia. So, who would not want to have that kind of support behind them?

Do you want out of your dead end job that leaves you skimping from pay check to pay check if you are lucky? Make the choice I made, be come free of it. I decided that working myself to the death for some guy who doesn't even know how to spell business degree got a company from his parents lays around on some island getting it paid for by me and many others who dedicate our life to that dead end job. I just wanted to be able to wave hi to him as I cruized by that island on my hot, new yacht. So, make you choice to be free with Infinity 800!

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