Thursday, January 29, 2009

Marketing Firms Can Help Grow Your Business In Tough Economy

By T. W. Stan

This tough economy causes anyone to look more closely at the bottom line and how any resources can be changed to improve profits. An outbound prospecting company can be one such resource. This article will explain why you will want to look at a prospecting company to gain more sales at a lower cost.

An outbound prospecting company focus on the activity most people hate. One of the hardest jobs for any salesperson is to do prospecting. Using outbound telemarketing firms can allow your salespeople to focus on current customers and their needs so that business can increase both with current customers and with new customers.

Using an outbound prospecting company can allow you to spend less time on the phone with uninterested customers. You can focus yourself on those activities which help grow your business.

Many businesses do not have a very unstable business pipeline. Using a prospecting firm can keep the sales pipeline full so that more sales can increase as a result of this full pipeline.

One of the first areas of spending any business cuts during a recession is marketing. If you have to cut your marketing spending, you can reallocate dollars to outbound telemarketing and increase your sales at a lower cost to your marketing dollars.

Any business in tough times will watch their dollars very closely and want to be extremely frugal with them. Using a prospecting firm can allow you to free up current staff to work more closely with existing customers to gain more market share while still filling a new customer pipeline.

Many customer driven salespeople do not have time to find new clients because most of their time is spent in current sales processes and do not have finely honed prospecting skills. Using an outbound telemarketing company allows you to have people whose primary focus is new business focus on finding new clients.

With marketing budgets decreasing, few of your competitors will be apt to do business over the telephone. Using a prospecting company can allow you to increase your market share so that your sales increase either at that point or in the future when buyers reopen their wallets.

McGraw-Hill did a study to compare maintaining marketing activities and dollars versus reducing them during a recession. They found that those who maintained and increased this dollar amount enjoyed a 275% increase the first year after a recession and this is a spectacular argument why to spend money on a prospecting company.

Prospecting firms focus on telemarketing and this is an area most salespeople struggle. Using these specialists means that the number of calls can increase with the quality and quantity of prospects greatly increased. If you want to grow sales but at a reasonable cost, you will look closely at how much it costs to get a new client. It is necessary to try different tactics to lower this figure and a prospecting firm is a tactic you can watch and carefully measure.

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