Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Get Paid Taking Surveys - Online Secret

By Hailey Gates

If you are wondering how to get paid taking surveys, you are about to find out! First you need a pc, and a connection to the world wide web. Next you have to sign up to receive notifications of paid surveys that you qualify for. Then you can start off on the road to success as a professional survey taker!

Large companies are always looking for feedback from consumers. They are actually willing to pay you for your opinions and will gladly set you up with surveys to take. All you have to have is the willingness to spend ten or twenty minutes answering a few questions, and they will be happy to provide you with compensation for your time.

The best way to get paid taking surveys is to register with legit survey sites on the web. They will give you access to many more surveys than you can find on your own, and will even prescreen them for you to be sure you will qualify! This makes finding good surveys to take much easier.

You can get a free email and use it as a special address for all of your survey email. That way all of your work is organized and accounted for. Remember to choose a neutral username and password to make managing your email and survey information much less difficult.

Whenever the site comes across a survey you qualify for, they shoot you an email with a quick description so you can make a decision as to whether or not you want to accept it. Usually declining to take a survey will not prevent you from receiving future surveys to take.

You will need to fill out profiles at some point so that the survey site can sort through what is available and pre-qualify you for the best surveys to take. These profiles generally don't take longer than five minutes each and provide information that helps identify your demographic.

The profiles will often center around separate categories, such as automotive, home and garden or household products. General information such as age, family members and annual income is also requested, although you can normally opt out of any questions you wish.

Don't forget to check your new email daily to stay on top of new surveys to take! They won't do you any good if you aren't aware of them, so take advantage of the opportunity and start earning today!

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