Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Video Marketing for SEO and Top Google Rankings

By Angela Jameson

With fifty-two percent of online content being in the form of video, video marketing makes a lot of sense. This is because an individual would rather sit back and watch a video than read the words on the page. You can take your video promotion and reach a lot of people who are incredibly interested in what it is you are offering. If they see a web-page full of text about your product or business, they may bypass it, but give them a video and they may stick around for a while.

The goal behind this is to reach as many web surfers as possible. That is why a program like Traffic Geyser is important. They provide video submission software that can create podcasts and submit to social networking sites, blogs, and social bookmarking sites. This is very important because exposure to millions of people is something that is priceless, especially if you dont have to spend thousands of hours of time doing it.

Something else that is very important is that marketing your website with video is very affordable. Not everyone has a goldmine that they can pull money out of. Some, however, act like they do and then wonder why their bottom line is not doing so well. If they would take the time to think about how they can reduce the cost of their marketing, they could see an improvement in their bottom line.

With video marketing, a large part of the market is able to view your video. This is because of the amazement that comes with videos. They put images to what would be text if it wasnt for the video.

Another thing that is quite fascinating about video promotion is that you are more or less blasting out your video the same way anyone does with article marketing software or search engine registration software. This explains how it is so many videos are able to find homes all over the web because, lets face it, no one really has the time to have a successful business and spend thousands of hours of work on submitting videos to hundreds or thousands of sites. If they want to be successful, time needs to be spent on making the other areas of the business run.

This is what you can expect from your video submission software: You can submit your video to social networking sites, blogs, and bookmarking sites. You can even get in on the podcast craze. Basically, you can expect to have a home for your video if a website has a place for it.

As for what occurs after your video has been submitted to the many websites on the web, youll be quite amazed. First of all, people will see your video and they will view it. If they are amongst your target audience, youll find that your quality traffic will grow. This is because the people seeing your video are actually interested in your video, which means that they have an interest in your business.

You have to keep in mind that you have access to millions of people on the Internet and they are willing to spend their money if it means their life is going to become easier. It is as simple as that. And that is how powerful video marketing is and Traffic Geyser video submission software that accompanies it.

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