Friday, January 30, 2009

Technology Can Boost Your Home Based Business

By Kerry Alayon-Babas

There are many network marketing sponsors out there handing out the antiquated advice of the 90s. Their advice is creating many frustrated home business owners. It is really not their fault. They dont know any better. However, you have to change the way you think before you will stop struggling with your business.

Information and technology has changed the way success is defined for the mlm business owner. Starting a new online business is as easy as clicking a button these days. The network marketers who are embracing the new technologies available and providing their teams with value and education are completely annihilating those who are living by the cold calling, prospecting strategies of times gone by.

Struggling with a network marketing company was a way of life for me for almost 6 years. I called on my warm market several times looking for them to support my business efforts. Carrying products from house to house and having opportunity meetings on a weekly basis was not my gig. I felt humiliated by the negative comments people would make about the scams that I was involved in. Although successful to a certain degree, I did not make the kind of loot I was looking for.

As I reached the point of no return with my day job, it seemed as though the part-time home business was taking full time hours. Thats when I went in searched of a better way of growing my network marketing business. You would be surprised with the number of successful online marketers who are creating huge down-lines without prospecting their family and friends. The gurus of this newer way of marketing are using technology to their advantage. No cold calls and no prospecting. They are defying the old school way of marketing their home businesses.

As you change the way you think about your business, make sure you are involved in a quality program. It has to hit your passion and purpose. Remember you will be living this business on a daily basis. You want it to be something you LOVE. Every home business has some kind of community you can plug into to gain insights and support. Make sure you become a major player in the community from the beginning.

If you are already involved in a MLM program, then step it up. Put yourself into a leadership role. Show your up-line and your down-line that you have value to add to the team and the company. Remember, people will follow a leader not join a business.

Here is where the first big change comes in. Stop marketing those MLM Company replicated websites. They all have the same content that every other rep is marketing with. How will you stand out from all of the other reps who are marketing the same business opportunity with the same website?

The key questions that remain revolve around you. What value do you bring to the game? Are you an MVP or a bench warmer? Learn to Brand yourself properly. Learn as much as you can about the latest technology, and share everything you learn with as many people as you can. People follow the leader, they dont join the program.

Buying MLM leads is a thing of the past. So is trying to convince your family and friends to join your MLM organization. Bring Value to the market, Brand Yourself, and Enjoy Success!

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