Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Discover the 8 Secrets the Internet Gurus Won't Usually Leak Out!

By Trisha Frauenhofer

I could not believe that a free video I saw gave away so many good tips about how to use Google Adwords. I was a newbie at one time with no clue as to what I was doing and really needed some mentoring. I really believe that Google is a great place make a lot of cash but it's not for the inexperienced.

So many people are selling all kinds of programs costing a lot of money that show you the basics and always seem to leave something out. For instance, when you sign up for a Google Adwords account and go to set up your first campaign, Google wants you to set it up their way in their search network. This can work great but there is a much better way.

A huge problem that 99% of people placing ads on the internet today is how to get theirs to stand out among the thousands of others. 1 great trick that I discovered is that you can get your titles to stand out by using the copyright symbol after your ad. This is fine with Google and is quite appropriate for certain types of ads.

A very common miss step people make when setting up Adwords campaigns, is that they don't specialize and fine tune their demographics which are fully customizable. If you're selling specialty items such as ring tones, you don't want your target audience to be over 30.

When building your Adwords Ad your URL needs to stand out. One great way to do that is by using dashes. For example, thisisabadexample of a URL. This-is-a-good-example of a Website name. Usually dashes are not very attractive but in this case, it really can make your ad stand apart.

A common mistake of newbie affiliate marketers is not knowing the answers to the 3 most important questions: Who, what, where, and how to market. This is a crucial step in your success that the gurus usually keep to themselves. However once in a while someone is giving away this data for free or pennies on the dollar. I recommend highly searching this out.

One common pitfall of making money on the internet is getting paid. Most of us have been duped into all kinds of schemes making someone else rich. Getting your own merchant account can be very troublesome if someone throws a charge back at you. PayPal can also be unpredictable and should be dealt with carefully. One service which I've found to be a very safe and honest is Clickbank. They pay on time and in a monthly check.

Do you have any idea how many products and services are being sold on the internet today. I can't even count that high. When you start out on your internet marketing career, what product or service that you sell is very critical to your success. Some affiliate programs are really bad and don't pay zip. Some pay a lot but don't convert to sales. You really need a service that knows the ins and outs of what is worth marketing. Without it, I'm afraid that you'll be like most of the Internet marketing sad stories that you usually never hear about.

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