Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Article Marketing Success

By Justin Harrison

Marketing with articles has increased in popularity which is evident when the benefits are discovered. The benefits can include increasing the exposure and reputability of the marketer and drive more traffic to your web site which will result in better search engine placement.

The success of article marketing has sadly led to a focus more on the number of articles published rather than the quality therein. However, the value of the article's content is a necessary component of drawing in and keeping more readers. People search online for information. By ensuring your articles are information-packed and compelling, your readers will keep checking back in to see what you've written.

While losing the focus of your web site you should consider the different perspectives available for the topics that cover the products or services you offer. Creating a number of different targeted articles can help reach a broader audience.

Before writing, you can benefit from doing a little detective work on using keywords and phrases. These will be what your readers are likely to type into a search engine. A balance must be struck, though, between keywords in an article and content. With too many, the article may sound unnatural, while with too few, search engines (the readers) would be unlikely to pick up on the topic of your writing.

The first step is to review the article on your own. If you have poor grammar or spelling it can cause you as the write as well as the product or service to get a bad reputation. The next step is to have a friend, family member, or colleague review the article and then collect their feedback. Even minor changes can impact how your article is perceived by readers.

Maintaining a variety of language is good but being verbose is not good. Articles that are for online purposes should be short and get to the point quickly if you wish to maintain your readers' attention span.

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