Monday, October 6, 2008

Web design a competitive business

By Ben Fouche

Web design is a art that became very competitive today. Most people who are computer literate can design a website today. There is a huge variety ofsoftware packages which make it easy for specialists as well as inexperienced designers of websites. So to say anyone can these days create and develop a well presented website. Well designed an productive websites that which will attract clients are not always that easy. Important facets of the web industry like database applications, e-marketing tools like seo, banner advertising, flash, etc., need to be incoporated to present a well sructured website.

The aim of webdesign is to create web pages and websites in such a way that it is usefull for internet surfers and those who seek information. This information must be browser friendly. Web design and web solutions can be effectively used to attract clients or customers to your website and web pages.Web design is an art or skill that can be utilised to increase the sales and profits of an organisation. Website design involves not only graphic design skills but also require other Internet and IT technology skills. Websites that are developed to navigate easily is definitely obtained by skillful and experienced webmasters and web designers.

Web design sometimes start as a hobby and later develop into a more serious an fulltime work.Web designers must train themselves to become skilled to be able to compete in this market. Unskilled webdesigners cause a lot of damage the web design industry potential customers may think that the sub standard quality produced, is the norm.Customers are getting the wrong impression of the full potential of web design as a marketing tool when this tool.

Websites collect information about certain topics and subjects and is a a combination of skilled and professional web design tools of computer technology, database applications, internet tools and other business skills like marketing and accounting knowledge. Well planned an tought through web design is the make or brake factor to attract new customers to your website and organisation. Websites should be well balanced in terms of presentation, functionality, navigation and professional search engine optimization. This holds the key to success most websites.

The first page of a website is known as the Home page or Index page. A splash page is sometimes used to serve as an introductory page of a website when focus needs to be placed on a specific product or service. Web designers will typically design a home page or splash page in such a way that it will draw attention to specific areas, but also in a way that the rest of the website's pages can easily be reached.Navigation menus are normally used in web design to visit other pages which are linked to each other in a specific website.

The URL or the web address is the main navigational item an refers or index each page on the internet where it can be found. Different pages and formats like HTML, PHP, images , video, audio and other objects get linked or can be referred to by these web addresses. Websites are the final products of web design and is the result of the combined skills of more than one person. Webmasters normally control and combine these different skills. Webmasters combine the different skills of graphic designers, database experts, marketing specialists and other to compile the final product before it is published to a server on the Internet.

Web design and web Seo can actually not be seperated. The main object to create a website is obviously to draw attention to your organisation or to generate sales. Websites that are not properly optimised for search engines are therefore useless and a waste of time and money in most scenarios. Optimised websited are efficient mareketing tools when utilised properly. In South Africa we have seen a positive move towards the internet as a marketing tool in the last few months.

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