Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ways to Invest Money

By Gary Pearson

These days, nearly everyone has some sort of investment. It used to be that investing was reserved only for the rich, but now there are so many investment choices that even if you only have a few extra dollars you can invest too. With a wide varaities of investments to choose from you are sure to find something that fits your profile.

There are many options that are open to people with capital that are not open if you only have a few hundred dollars to play with. But even with a few hundred dollars, there are many investment possibilities. If you are creative and shrewd, those first couple hundred bucks could be the beginning of a lucrative investment career.

When you are considering a potential investmet consider how comfortable you are with risk. Generally, the higher likelihood an investment has for a big return, the equally high risk there is for a big loss. If you are not comfortable with the thought of losing money then you may want to consider a safer alternative.

Some of us may already be investing without even knowing it. This happened to a friend of mine. Her dad bought her a leather-bound book of coins each year since she was a baby. When she was twenty, looking for some travelling money she sold a few of the coins and made some quick change.

Collecting is one of the most overlooked ways to invest money. It takes years to developed the economic expertise that allows you to figure out how to invest your money in the traditional ways, but you may already have the knowledge to invest in something you're passionate about. I was able to turn my hobby into a lucrative way to earn extra income. All I had to do was to keep my comic books in good condition, and to pay attention to which ones would accrue value the fastest. Then, I would buy other comics in that series.

Regardless of what you plan to choose as an investment, whether stocks, bonds, or stamps - make sure you do your research first. Understand what the risks are, as well as the potential return. Talk to people with similar investments to see how they are doing. If you need somewhere to start, the Internet has all sorts of information on different ways to invest your money.

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