Thursday, October 23, 2008

Heard about free shipping?

By Priscilla Queen

Free shipping. Don't these two words sound nice together especially when you are doing large amounts of shopping at your favorite online store? Maybe you just need a new computer or something similar but you know shipping costs can be outrageous to your already expensive item. Not having free shipping can turn many people away from online stores.

Well, believe it or not, many stores are catching on to this dilemma. How can they move into the future if people refuse to shop because of shipping costs? This means many stores are finding ways to offer free shipping while still making some money at the same time.

You may notice that when you buy online, it's either cheaper or more expensive than buying the product in the store. If you are purchasing a high end product, you may notice that you pay more with shipping costs and taxes. However, with a free shipping code/coupon you don't have to worry about shipping costs. This makes it cheaper to buy online than in the store.

If you haven't been scared away by the above scenario, then starts to look for those free shipping offers. There are three ways to get them only one of which is really the best.

You could look at your local newspaper or perhaps your mailbox. With many stores going digital, free shipping along with other coupon offers may be offered in these places. They typically aren't the best way but it's a start.

However, you can easily get free shipping as well as many other coupon offers just by getting onto the Internet and searching the World Wide Web. If you know where you want to go, do a search through your favorite search engine.

Once you start looking for the free shipping coupons for the store or stores of your choice, you may notice that you'll have to spend a certain amount or something similar to get the free shipping offer. If you are shopping for many things like Christmas presents or one big item such as a new bed or mattress, this is a wonderful deal. Whatever you decide, you can save tons of money using a free shipping code/coupon.

Before you start to look around and find out which products you want to buy with your coupon, double check it and make sure it is in date. Some websites have a bad habit of not updating coupons as they expire. As the consumer, it is your responsibility to make sure this doesn't happen to you.

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