Friday, October 24, 2008

Squidoo Marketing - 3 Easy Methods On Squidoo

By Jane Kozlinski

Internet marketers around the world are waking up to the fact that Squidoo is a powerful web 2.0 marketing system that lets them promote things and build their brands.

Succeeding on Squidoo requires more than slapping up a web page using their handy drag and drop widgets. To be successful, marketers are required to connect with other users at Squidoo, and start building up links to and from the lenses they create. Linking to the lenses from outside Squidoo is also important.

Here are 3 simple Squidoo marketing techniques to get you started building website traffic and brand reputation using Squidoo lenses:

1. Be active on the Squidoo forums. The forums let you meet and chat with other Squidoo lensmasters, and by being nice and helpful, you can build up a network of other users who help you build your rankings for your lenses, and even bookmark your pages on other social bookmarking sites. You can even befriend advanced forum members called Squid Angels, and have them bless your web pages, and get yourself higher rankings and more traffic.

2. Discover the groups - join some and create some, and then work to build the credibility of the group page. This can cause the group page to get listed in the search engines, and since your lenses is linked from that page, you can get more priority and traffic.

3. Find related Squidoo lenses, and read their content and post valuable comments along with your lens link. Just be sure to add a valuable comment and not just a spammy "visit my lens" request. Never leave negative comments, or "constructive criticism"...this is better communicated in private.

There are buttons on every Squidoo lens that lets anyone bookmark a lens on the most popular social bookmarking websites, like Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, and others. One good idea is to bookmark the lenses that are related to yours and who get more traffic (higher rankings), and then leave a positive comment and a note about what you did. Then the lensmaster will often come to your lens and bookmark yours.

Effective Squidoo marketing teaches you the importance of working with others, and when you master that skill, you can succeed in life no matter where you go. So don't be afraid to lead in the acts of kindness, and watch how others reciprocate and help you out, which will really help to boost your rankings and income. Try seeing how far you can take your Squidoo earnings now that you know the main secrets.

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